Friday, March 6, 2020

Student Tutoring Goals and Objectives - Why You Need to Know This

Student Tutoring Goals and Objectives - Why You Need to Know ThisAs a tutor, one of the things that you are going to encounter on a regular basis is students' tutoring goals and objectives. What do they mean to them? What do they want?For some, their mission is the satisfaction of the student. They want to make sure they help the student accomplish what he or she set out to accomplish. Others may need a little bit more from you in order to complete the assignment. Whatever their purpose is, when you ask them about their objectives, you will get an answer to what they need from you.To some students, your goal is to keep them in school. When you have any kind of open-ended conversation with them, they can't help but to talk about that. At the same time, they want to be there at the end of the day. Other students are looking for special attention, perhaps they just want you to feel more comfortable around them.Yet others, you know, are perfectionists. You may ask them how they want to b e graded. You may even ask them how much homework they want to take every day, or how many times a week they plan to do it.The students you ask about their objectives may have a specific day or a particular week in mind. But there are so many more things that can make them say, 'I want to do this.' Maybe it's to learn a new language, or it's to visit someone in another country. Sometimes, they are hoping to meet someone at work, but it doesn't matter what the reason is.Asking them about their objectives is a way of letting them know that you care. It's also a way of letting them know that you care about the success of their projects. If they feel as though you are helping them achieve their goal, they are more likely to have fun during your tutoring session. Also, if they know that you care about their objectives, they will often come back to you again.Remember, a good goal is the foundation for your success. And a good, useful objective is the way that you will come to know what yo ur students' goals and objectives are.

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